Namwianga Mission Hospital
Namwianga Mission Hospital serves the community by providing excellent, compassionate health care and attention to spiritual needs. In addition to a wide range of health care services, the hospital hosts daily chapel services and offers Bible-based counseling.
Health Care Services
Inpatient care - Patients with a variety of chronic and acute conditions receive quality, compassionate care in the hospital wards.
Obstetrics & Gynecology - Namwianga Hospital offers a safe facility for mothers to deliver their babies. Midwife services are available for routine deliveries. Namwianga has the only fully functional surgery theater in the area, and the C-sections performed in the surgery theater save the lives of many mothers and babies. The hospital also provides family planning services, gynecology and infertility services, and routine prenatal and postnatal care.
Mother’s Shelter - Few women in rural areas can travel to a hospital or birthing center after their labor has begun. Expectant mothers come to Namwianga’s Mother’s Shelter and stay for the last month of their pregnancy. They are then able to give birth in a proper environment with qualified medical personnel attending.
Surgery Center - Namwianga Mission Hospital has a state-of-the art surgery center. Medical personnel and government officials have reported that there is nothing else comparable in Southern Province. Other clinics in the area refer surgical patients, especially difficult pregnancies and childbirth complications, to Namwianga.
HIV/AIDS Treatment - Namwianga Hospital is a certified ART (Antiretroviral Treatment) provider. More than 900 HIV/AIDS patients are enrolled in the ART program at Namwianga Mission Hospital. They come to Namwianga every 2-3 months to be tested and receive their medications. Counseling and nutrition support are also offered.
Lab - Namwianga’s medical lab handles a full range of tests and screenings. The lab works closely with the HIV treatment programs to provide monitoring and evaluating information.
Radiology - The radiology services at Namwianga Hospital include X-ray and ultrasound.
Dental Clinic - The staff dental therapist offers tooth extractions, fillings, scaling and polishing, and oral health education.
Pharmacy - The pharmacy supplies and dispenses medicines to both inpatients and outpatients. The pharmacy technologist offers medication counseling to patients and disposes of dated or unwanted medications.
Treated Mosquito Net Program - Namwianga works diligently to prevent and treat malaria. Treated mosquito nets are distributed, and antimalarial drugs are dispensed from the Namwianga Hospital. Namwianga has been recognized by the government of Zambia as the top center in the country for reducing the rate of malaria in the surrounding communities.
Cataract Surgery - Visiting ophthalmologists from the United States and Zambia schedule cataract operations at Namwianga. The surgeries restore sight to many who had gone years without seeing the faces of their loved ones.
Cervical Cancer Screening - Namwianga Mission Hospital is certified as a Cervical Cancer Screening Center. Most women with cervical cancer or precancerous conditions can receive treatment at Namwianga. Women who are diagnosed with advanced cases of cervical cancer are provided with funds for transportation and treatment in the capital city of Lusaka.
Physical Therapy - Two physical therapists serve on the hospital staff. The physical therapy department is considered one of the best in Southern Province because of the equipment and treatments available. Services include stroke rehabilitation, pre- and post-surgical therapy, and treatment for accidental injuries, arthritis, and back pain. The physical therapy department also dispenses wheelchairs and crutches at no charge to patients.
Village Under 5 Clinics - This program offers immunizations and nutritional support for young children. Counseling and training are provided to mothers. The clinics also monitor and evaluate children who are taking Antiretroviral Treatment (ART) for HIV.
Village Health Workers - These staff members follow up on patients and do contact tracing for communicable diseases. They also monitor and counsel mothers through a program called Safe Motherhood Action Groups.
How You Can Help
Namwianga Hospital relies on donor support to pay for medicine, supplies, equipment, and other necessities that keep the hospital functioning. Please donate to continue the healing work at Namwianga Hospital.