Evangelism and Spiritual Growth Team
The Evangelism and Spiritual Growth (ESG) team leads the way in planning and promoting Namwianga Mission’s outreach and evangelism efforts. Team members plan outreaches to communities all over Zambia, sending out workers to plant churches, train leaders, and encourage individuals and congregations.

High school and college students learn ministry and evangelism by participating in weekly student outreaches. The ESG team plans these outreaches with student input and arranges for transportation.
The Evangelism and Spiritual Growth team conducts marriage seminars, offering couples the spiritual guidance they need to build strong marriages and families.
Women’s ministry is also a part of the ESG work. Women’s meetings, Bible studies, and service projects are planned and led by the women’s representative on the ESG team.
Zambia Medical Mission (ZMM) touches many lives with the gospel each year. The ESG team contacts and follow up on those who were baptized during the medical mission, and often a new congregation results from those efforts. Read about Zambia Medical Mission HERE.

Encouraging and supporting the work of the bicycle evangelists is another important role of the ESG. Team members plan and conduct regular training sessions for the volunteer evangelists and provide resources as needed. Learn more about bicycle evangelists HERE.