Dealing with a Devastating Drought
Food Relief Efforts Will Ease Hunger, Suffering
There is widespread hunger in southern Zambia. This year’s rainy season brought spotty showers followed by weeks of unrelenting sun. When rain fell later in the growing season, it was too little and too late.
Crops that farmers depend on to feed their families withered in the fields. There was no harvest. No food to eat and nothing to sell for cash.
The area has had droughts before, but older Zambians are saying this is the worst one in their lifetimes.

A drought destroyed the crops farmers depend on to feed their families
As farmers survey their ruined crops and empty grain bins, they wonder how they will feed their families. Elderly Zambians worry that they will not survive another year with little to eat. Hungry children struggle to concentrate in school because their stomachs are empty.
Zambia Mission Fund is mobilizing the resources at Namwianga Mission to deliver food to hungry individuals and communities. Donor funds are used to purchase, transport, and distribute mealie meal, the ground maize that is the diet staple for Zambians. The food relief program also provides dried beans and vegetables when those items are available.
During the November-December planting season, the Namwianga team will supply seeds for farmers so that they can plant for the next growing year.
Food is distributed according to need and in the name of Jesus.
You can ease the hunger and suffering of desperate Zambians by donating generously to fund food relief efforts.