Bike and Tell: The Gospel on 2 Wheels
Bicycle evangelists travel from village to village to spread the gospel message. There are now 150 volunteers who work in this effort to plant churches in Zambia. The Bicycle Evangelism Team sends out two or three men to plant a church in a new area. After a church is planted, those men return home and two or three more evangelists cycle to the new village church and stay for two weeks. Then they return home and another team replaces them. This continues until the congregation has its own leaders and is ready to function on its own. Since 2014, the Bicycle Evangelists have started more than 60 new congregations.
The evangelists support this work with their own funds and have successfully sustained the program for several years. The only support they receive from America is funding for bicycles.

Help spread the gospel message in Zambia by donating for the purchase of new bicycles.
The sturdy bikes that can survive rough bush conditions cost $250 each.
Partial donations are welcome.