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Legacy Giving

Legacy Giving Ensures Namwianga Mission’s Future

A legacy gift to Zambia Mission Fund (ZMF) can make a lasting difference. Including ZMF in your will or estate plan means you can keep on serving the needs of the Zambian people and spreading the message of Jesus’ love and salvation beyond your lifetime.

There are several simple ways to set up a legacy gift.

  1. Name Zambia Mission Fund in your will by designating a specific gift of cash or property, a portion of your estate after other bequests have been paid or a percentage of your total estate assets.
  2. Name Zambia Mission Fund as a beneficiary on a 401K, IRA, charitable gift annuity or insurance policy. To do this, request a beneficiary designation form from your account administrator and name “Zambia Christian College, dba Zambia Mission Fund” as a beneficiary. Provide our tax ID (71-0407333) and our mailing address (P. O. Box 3393, Abilene, TX 79604-3393). You can designate a specific dollar amount or a percent of the balance up to 100%. Naming a charity as the beneficiary of a retirement account has the added benefit of avoiding income taxes on amounts distributed to the charity.
  3. Establish a new checking or savings account that names Zambia Mission Fund as beneficiary. (Use the above information to complete the paperwork.) Then deposit the amount you want your legacy gift to be. As long as you are the only person with signature authority for the account, the bank will send your gift to ZMF after your passing. During your lifetime, though, the funds are available for your use.

We want to recognize those who plan a legacy gift for Zambia Mission Fund. When you notify us that you have included ZMF in your will or estate plan, we will send you a handmade Zambian basket as a way of showing our appreciation. All you need to do is write to us at Zambia Mission Fund, Box 3393, Abilene, TX 79604, or call 1-800-993-3461.

Knowing the terms of your legacy gift plan will help us in preparing for Namwianga’s future. However, it is not necessary to inform us of the details if you would rather not disclose that information.

Your lifetime of service deserves a legacy of service. Please contact Ray Ferguson, ZMF Planned Giving Specialist, at or 325-677-6251 if you would like additional information or need assistance in setting up a legacy gift.