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Revealing Jesus Through Education, Humanitarian Service & Christian Leadership

What We Do

Zambia Mission Fund oversees the work of Namwianga Mission, a 6000-acre center for education, evangelism and humanitarian aid in the Southern Province of Zambia. Namwianga is home to a secondary school, hospital, radio station, orphan care homes, two colleges, and a working farm. Zambia Mission Fund and Namwianga are affiliated with the Churches of Christ. 

What Namwianga Mission Means to Me

  • Sostern Muuka
    Sostern Muuka

    My life was forever changed when I encountered Namwianga Mission. I was struggling with limited access to healthcare and education but this amazing organization brought hope and transformation. Through their medical care, I received treatment. The mission's education program also empowered me to pursue my dreams. I gained skills and knowledge that helped me secure a better future for myself and my family.

Our Impact This Year

  • As drought ravages the surrounding area, Namwianga is providing food relief to those who are hungry. 
  • George Benson Christian University College (GBCUC)now offers a four-year degree in education. 
  • Namwianga Mission College of Nursing will graduate its first class of trained nurses in 2025. 
  • Namwianga Christian Secondary School continued the tradition of academic excellence by ranking first in Kalomo District.
  • The Evangelism and Spiritual Growth team sends workers to villages near and far to teach and preach. Marriage seminars and leadership training continue to impact individuals and churches in Southern Province and beyond.
  • Bible distribution is putting native-language Bibles into the hands and hearts of Zambians. 
  • Fifty-five new water wells are providing fresh, clean water to thousands. 

Revealing Jesus Through Education, Humanitarian Service & Christian Leadership